Networking in Healthcare – A Career Enhancer

Whether the goals in your career are money-oriented or fulfillment-based, networking is always a great step to take to achieve them. Yes, it requires going out of your way out of your regularly scheduled program, but we promise it’s worth it. It’s not just about extending your own olive branch, it’s also about creating a… Continue reading Networking in Healthcare – A Career Enhancer

Managing (and Preventing) Student Stress – A Brief Guide

Stress is inevitable, it can even be good for you, but too much can be detrimental. However, keeping a balance is easier said than done. College and university can come with a lot of stressful experiences. From moving out for the first time, studying for cumulative exams, constant deadlines, and even thinking about the impending… Continue reading Managing (and Preventing) Student Stress – A Brief Guide

Studying for the MCAT – 5 Tips for Success

Curate a Detailed Study Schedule  Avoid procrastination and give yourself enough time to study and practice. This constant regimen will hopefully keep your nerves at bay. Pre-med students need approximately 200 to 300 hours to study and there is a lot of content to uptake. We recommend using the Shemmassian MCAT Study Schedule to stay… Continue reading Studying for the MCAT – 5 Tips for Success