What Is A Healthcare Communications Agency?

Are you planning to pursue a career in the healthcare industry? If your answer is yes, then this post is for you.    Try your luck and venture into healthcare communications agencies. It is one of the most valuable career paths in the industry with good perks, plus you’ll be working at something that can be… Continue reading What Is A Healthcare Communications Agency?

What You Need To Know About Medicaid

Ever heard of Medicaid? If you are an American badly in need of financial aid for your healthcare needs, you must know that this can save your life.  Medicaid is the state’s low-income population’s public health insurance program. One in five Americans is covered by the Medicaid program, including those with complicated and expensive medical… Continue reading What You Need To Know About Medicaid

Top 5 Reasons Why Healthcare Is Expensive

All over the world, there seem to be underlying issues regarding the cost of healthcare. In Canada, this is a troubling issue as the coverage should be for all citizens. Despite this publicly funded system, the country’s healthcare cost continues to rise, and citizens may have to start paying out of pocket for many services. We take a look here at the underlying reasons as to why it keeps on happening today.

8 Health Care Issues in Canada

Canada is a country that has universal healthcare for its citizens. Despite this fact, there are still specific issues faced by the healthcare industry in the country. Some of these issues differ from the cost of healthcare given to the shortages faced in the industry. Let’s list down 8 of these issues experienced by the people of the country of Canada.

Mental Health Care Tips For Healthcare Workers

There has been immense pressure placed on healthcare workers recently due to this worldwide pandemic. The higher workload has been taking a toll on the physical health of the healthcare workers and their mental health as well. They need a way to regain their mental health, most of all to help others in need of their care.