On-The-Job Training Programs for Employees to Be the Best

What Exactly Is On-the-Job Training?   On-the-job training is a method of learning that takes place while working at a job. It can range from informal training sessions to more formalized programs, but it all boils down to getting real experience in an actual workplace, which means learning by doing—not just by watching others do it.  … Continue reading On-The-Job Training Programs for Employees to Be the Best

How The Media Affects Pre-Teens and Teens

Getting that perfect selfie to post on Instagram or making a Tik Tok video showing off the latest trending dances and obsessively monitoring the likes and comments is the norm for pre-teens and teens in this day and age.   “Social media is not real life,” said Essena O’Neill, a 19-year-old Australian Internet star who quit… Continue reading How The Media Affects Pre-Teens and Teens

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong – A Big Price to Pay for Beauty

Do you always scroll through RealSelf and dream about getting that nose job or BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift, for those not familiar with the term)? You may want to think again. Even non-surgical procedures like the famous CoolSculpting (basically freezing your fat cells) have dangerous consequences. Read on to find out more.   Remember that BBL… Continue reading Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong – A Big Price to Pay for Beauty

Are Violent Video Games to Blame for Violence in Real Life?

The accused El Paso Walmart shooter, who killed 20 people and wounded 24 others in 2019, briefly referenced soldiers in a video game.    History Of Video Games – Normal and Violent    First, let’s take a look at the history of video games: It goes back to 1972 when Atari released its first game, Pong.… Continue reading Are Violent Video Games to Blame for Violence in Real Life?

Why Diet Culture and Fat Shaming Needs to Disappear ASAP

Ingesting tapeworm eggs. That’s how far some will go to achieve their ideal weight. Touted as the ‘tapeworm diet,’ an alarming number of people attempt to lose weight this way. When you do the tapeworm diet, you ingest a pill that contains an egg from a tapeworm.    Eventually, the tapeworm will hatch from the egg… Continue reading Why Diet Culture and Fat Shaming Needs to Disappear ASAP

Work From Home Healthcare Jobs – A Brief Guide

The first thing that pops into your mind when you think of work from home jobs as an employee in the healthcare industry would probably be, “Is that really possible?” Spoiler: they are! Well, we’re about to spill the beans on remote healthcare jobs, from the different types to the average salaries these opportunities offer.… Continue reading Work From Home Healthcare Jobs – A Brief Guide

De-stressing With Wearable Tech – Do They Actually Work?

Everyone gets stressed at some point, but unfortunately, stress is a routine part of their daily lives for many people. No matter where it comes from, long-term, chronic stress can harm your health and your ability to sleep and even function properly. Here in this blog post, we’ll look at how smart devices and wearables… Continue reading De-stressing With Wearable Tech – Do They Actually Work?

How To Spot Fake News Related to Covid-19

75%. According to a survey done exclusively for BuzzFeed News by Ipsos Public Affairs (polling over 3000 American adults), that’s the number of Americans that believe fake news.   You could say that right now, we’re suffering from an infodemic. No, you didn’t misread that. A term coined by the WHO (World Health Organization) an infodemic… Continue reading How To Spot Fake News Related to Covid-19