Everyone gets stressed at some point, but unfortunately, stress is a routine part of their daily lives for many people. No matter where it comes from, long-term, chronic stress can harm your health and your ability to sleep and even function properly. Here in this blog post, we’ll look at how smart devices and wearables… Continue reading De-stressing With Wearable Tech – Do They Actually Work?
Category: Trends & Opinions
How To Spot Fake News Related to Covid-19
75%. According to a survey done exclusively for BuzzFeed News by Ipsos Public Affairs (polling over 3000 American adults), that’s the number of Americans that believe fake news. You could say that right now, we’re suffering from an infodemic. No, you didn’t misread that. A term coined by the WHO (World Health Organization) an infodemic… Continue reading How To Spot Fake News Related to Covid-19
Are Booster Shots for COVID-19 Effective?
You’re probably already familiar with the term, but a booster shot is a vaccine that boosts an individual’s immunity after a certain period of time. It is typically administered as a small injection in the arm or thigh. Booster shots boost protection against diseases such as hepatitis A and B, tetanus, and diphtheria. What we’ll… Continue reading Are Booster Shots for COVID-19 Effective?
The Pros and Cons of Doctors Using Social Media
The Perks of Posting Online on Social Media for Medical Professionals Spread the Word and Raise Awareness Medical workers can shed light on the public’s health concerns. They’ll have the inside scoop on all things health and medical-related, which will bring a unique, useful viewpoint to the community. Nip Misinformation in the Bud While social… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Doctors Using Social Media
Must-Know Tips for Getting Freebies as A Healthcare Worker
If you or someone you know is a healthcare worker, then you probably know that working your socks off is, by definition, part of the job description. Unfortunately, your efforts and sacrifices to the medical community mean taking a hit on your mental wellbeing. After Covid-19 reared its ugly head in late 2019, healthcare workers… Continue reading Must-Know Tips for Getting Freebies as A Healthcare Worker
Why Go for Certificate Courses in Healthcare?
Healthcare careers are undoubtedly one of the most sought-after opportunities by candidates. A proper choice of the course happens to be immensely important in this regard. The choice should be made according to one’s skills and preferences. To boost one’s career in the healthcare sector, specialized certificate courses have a vital role to play. Thus, it is ideal to opt for an appropriate certificate course to enhance career opportunities to a significant extent.
Why Healthcare Workers Should Practice Preventive Healthcare
Chronic illnesses are the greatest cause of mortality and disability on the globe, and they are associated with rising healthcare expenses. Preventative care, which includes both clinical preventative treatments and screening tests, is promoted as part of a public health strategy. One technique for managing the use and improving health outcomes is to identify and avoid possible issues downstream. HosTalky would love to advocate for healthcare professionals to upkeep their health by proactively caring for themselves.