Drug Overdoses – A Surprisingly Common Issue

A drug overdose occurs when a person consumes too much of a substance, whether prescribed, over-the-counter, legal, or illegal. Overdosing from drugs can be accidental or intentional. You have overdosed if you have taken more than the recommended amount of a drug or enough to harm your body’s functions.   Overdoses can have serious medical consequences,… Continue reading Drug Overdoses – A Surprisingly Common Issue

7 Things to Know About Stem Cell Therapy

What Are Stem Cells?    Stem cells generate new cells for the body as it grows and replaces damaged or lost specialized cells. They can do so due to two distinct properties:   Types Of Stem Cells   There are three main types of stem cells:  Embryonic Stem Cells   Embryonic stem cells replenish an embryo’s cell count as… Continue reading 7 Things to Know About Stem Cell Therapy

PTSD in Veterans – What You Need to Know

Far too many veterans struggle with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). In fact, a striking 30% of Vietnam vets developed PTSD. People who’ve witnessed or experienced a life-threatening or traumatic event like military combat, shootings, violence or rape can have PTSD. Read on to find out more.   Causes   PTSD develops following a traumatic event. This can… Continue reading PTSD in Veterans – What You Need to Know

Effects of Climate Change on Health

Impact on the health of humans as a result of climate change can be far-reaching and can prove to be detrimental if not taken care of in the right way. Moreover, it becomes important to know how climate change affects human health so that appropriate precautions and care can be taken.  

How to Avoid Catching the COVID-19 Virus

Introduction Over the past year since the pandemic started, people have been taking the utmost care to ensure the reduction in the spread of the virus and end the worldwide pandemic. This is why most countries have imposed government-mandated lockdowns and other safety restrictions. However, these restrictions usually aren’t enough as individual people have their… Continue reading How to Avoid Catching the COVID-19 Virus