Issues With Healthcare Staffing in the U.S.

The shortage of doctors and nurses is a major issue facing society as a whole. And it’s been piling up since long before COVID-19 hit. Infections contracted in hospitals, patient falls, and mortality rates all rise when healthcare facilities are understaffed, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.   In this post, we… Continue reading Issues With Healthcare Staffing in the U.S.

Reducing Burnout Through Modern Workflows and Technology

Introduction  The healthcare industry has faced many challenges in the last few years. From the implementation of new regulations to rising costs and changing patient expectations, it’s no secret that healthcare organizations are feeling the pressure. With so much on their plates, how do they get through it all? The answer is modern workflows and… Continue reading Reducing Burnout Through Modern Workflows and Technology

5 Ways Automating Physician Schedules Can Help Reduce Burnout

In the healthcare industry, burnout is a very real problem. Physicians are some of the most susceptible to burnout due to their workload and long hours, so it’s important to take steps towards reducing physician exhaustion. While there are many factors that contribute to physician burnout, one way to combat this issue is through automation.… Continue reading 5 Ways Automating Physician Schedules Can Help Reduce Burnout